Food at Corteza Amarilla

When you arrive to Corteza Amarilla your magical journey starts when you arrive into this majestic place.  You will see art all around and food is not an exception.

We do believe that presentation, recipes and flavor are essential but we add one more ingredient and it is LOVE to the food we cook!

Our restaurant is very popular to locals that look to spend a great meal in a great place. Corteza Amarilla Fine Dining is one of the finest restaurants in the city,  with a diverse fusion cuisine menu that can pleased event the most difficult palate. The romantic and casual ambiance makes it unique and memorable.

Some comments from our guests:

What a treat! Great meal! Fantastic atmosphere! –Canada

“Beautiful place, delicious food and great service!” – Poland

“My mother couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful this place is, as myself was speechless. Love the atmosphere, service and specially the food.” – United States

“The best meal we’ve had since arriving in Costa Rica! It compared well to a good French / Parisian dinner. Well done. The hotel is fascinating, gives everyone the inspiration that art is everywhere” – France